Monday, July 7, 2008

6 Simple Book Layout Tips to Remember

The layout of a book is almost as important as its content. An effectively designed layout will make it easier for people to read and understand your book. A poorly designed layout, on the other hand, can drive your readers so crazy that it will turn them off your stories completely.

Layout According to Page Size

Know the page size of your book to determine the ideal measurements of your book layout. As books tend to have standard sizes, expect to adjust your layouts to the page size chosen for your book rather than the other way around.

Font Choices

Choose the font size that will make it easiest for your readers to read without greatly increasing the printing costs of your books. Secondly, choose the font type that best mirrors the content of your book. Fonts like Times New Roman or New Courier are good matches, for instance, for non-fiction and novels with serious themes, while fonts like Comic Sans MS could be a good match for chick lit stories or something that's more entertaining rather than informative.


Have a format for your book and stick to it. If you began with page numbers placed in the upper-right hand corner and spelling out chapter numbers rather than simply using Arabic numerals, make sure you stick to it to the end.

To best ensure the uniformity of your layout, consider establishing rules beforehand. Determine, for instance, when it would be appropriate for you to underline certain words or place them in bold or italics. When outlining ideas, would you start with uppercase letters, proceeding to Roman numerals and lowercase letters rather than stick to bullets?


Margins simply make your book layout look better. They also make your content easier to read. You could, for instance, slightly widen inner margins of your books pages because something smaller could make words continue to appear even till the part where you'd either have to tear off the page to read them or spread the pages apart as far as you could.


Spaces can conjure a lot of meanings so be careful on how you use spaces between paragraphs and sections in your book.


If you've included photos and other illustrations in your book, consider how you'd insert them in your layout and align them with your text. How would you include captions and labels? What's the appropriate size for them and should there be a limit to the number of photos you include in each page?

Consider these tips and you're sure to design a smart layout for your book in no time!

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