Monday, July 7, 2008

What It Takes to Print a Book

Writing a book is a formidable task. But once you are done with it, the next logical thing to do is to have it printed. You want the whole world to read your masterpiece. So how does this work? What are the steps you have to take to get the book printed?

To get your work published, there are different options. You could go for traditional royalty publishing which is costless but you need to find an agent who will help you present your work to a publisher. Although its costless, the chances of getting picked by a publisher are quite low. If you feel this will not work for you, do the publishing yourself. This will cost you money because you will have to pay for everything including the printing of your book.

The first two mentioned are options that do not seem very lucrative. A new avenue is opened by the print on demand self-publishing method where you pay only for digital printing and storage. This means that there is no need to pay for warehouse fees. You will only have the exact number of books that you want printed. This way, you can test the waters first and see if its going to sell. If it does sell, then there is no harm in re-ordering another batch.

Once you have decided on your publishing option, choose one publisher who will do the printing and the re-printing of the book. Therefore, it would be wise to choose a famous publisher who is known to publish only good books.

But with whatever publishing option you choose, the important thing to remember if you really want your book to sell is to do intensive marketing of the book. This way, you are assured that the printed books are going to be sold and you will earn money for your hard work. You can advertise your book in the newspaper, in the internet or you could go directly to the target market and sell your book yourself.

Printing a book is costly. That is the main reason why many good writers find grants that will be able to fund the process from the beginning of book writing up to the time of printing. Of course, the income will be split in two. But that does not matter because if your material is excellent, there is a good chance that you will earn big bucks from the sale of your books well into eternity.

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