Monday, July 7, 2008

Income Potential of Writing a Book

Many of us are great storytellers. Our friends love being around us for the funny stories, as well as valuable serious stories, we tell them. And what they love about our stories is the way we deliver them because we can turn something simply funny to a laugh out loud hilarious story. Or we can turn a simply sad story to a tearjerker moment.

You may not realize it, but you might have the talent of storytelling. And you know what's better than having your friends surround you and eagerly listen to every word you have to say? Why, earning money out of your talent, of course! Some people who have the knack of storytelling capitalize on their talent through standup comedy bars. They make money out of making people laugh through their funny stories. However, not all have the courage and grace of standing up on stage in front of a large audience and deliver a punch line. So, if you are more of the latter kind, what can you do? Simply put your story in writing, publish it, and sell it!

Yes, you can do that. A lot of people earn from their blogs. There are a lot of people out there who are just plain voracious readers. And bloggers earn from them. You can also earn from writing a book in the same way. You may argue that no publishing house in their sane minds would entertain and invest in some unknown newbie writer and that is true. So, you are going to publish it and sell it yourself! What is your dusty printer doing beside your computer? And what is the World Wide Web for? You have the tools at your fingertips; you just have to learn how to use them to your advantage.

You can print your book through your very own printer and sell it over your own website. Or you can turn it into an eBook, which could sell just the same. You can even place it on for a wider customer reach. With the advent of modern technology, who needs a publisher when you can do it yourself? The only advantage of having a publisher is that they get your book into bookstore, but that's it! You, as the author, still do most of the marketing. So, why not just do it yourself over the web and get 100% control over your book and 100% of the profit? The Internet has opened up to us a myriad of options and opportunities in every aspect of our lives in love, in friendship, in entertainment and most especially, in business. So we should make the most out of it.

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