Monday, July 7, 2008

Get a Grant to Write Your Book

You have a story in mind. The story is great and you are very sure that if it were written, many people would love the book and the book might even end up on the bestsellers list. The problem lies in how you are going to find the money to write the book. There is no need to worry because there are grants available that will allow you to write the book of your dreams. As you keep on reading, you will find the steps to take in order to realize that dream.

There are many grants available for writers. There are grants given to those who want to write a book but do not have the money to make it. There are even grants given to those who have begun a book but cannot complete it because of financial matters. There are also travel grants that allow writers to attend writers conferences or even to be a guest speaker.

If you are really a great writer, you should take advantage of this rare talent. Your skills as a writer should be used to the fullest to reach the dream of writing the book of your dreams. You can begin by joining writing contests. Many contests aim at giving writing grants to deserving and talented writers. Poetic writing can land you grants for as much as $100,000 such as the Wallace Stevens Award. Another award like the Walt Whitman award gives $5,000 for first-time publications with free residency for a month at the Vermont Studio Center. This opens another opportunity for you to hone that wonderful writing talent.

You cannot get a grant without writing a proposal. Maybe this is the time to learn how to make a proposal. There are short tutorial classes that specialize in this field. Once you have learned how, write the book proposal first and submit it to a publisher. Many publishers are looking for fresh and raw talents to tap and are willing to provide funding for their works. If you really have good material or if you have great credentials, the publisher may be impressed and give you the amount you need to make the book a reality.

If you are writing a book that focuses on a special field like science and research, why not tap these entities? There are many companies and entities that are in need of writers to write something about their field of work. You just might be the person for the job. If you have what it takes, then they will be willing to fund your work and they will work in partnership with you, supporting you all the way.

You may want to look at other ways to get to that dream. Do your research on the internet. Look at all the options and see what will work best for you.

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