Monday, July 7, 2008

Tools Of The Trade - Some Must Have Tools For Writing

Each writer has his own specific tools of the trade that contribute to his personal writing process. In keeping up with some of these must have tools for writing, you will be surprised how they do not only help you in the actual writing phase itself, but in gathering inspiration and organizing your thoughts as well. Basically, these things make writing a whole lot easier. Here are three of the most basic tools that every writer must have.

A Handy Notebook

A pocket journal or small notebook that you can carry around anywhere you go will surely come in handy, especially during the brainstorming phase when you write. This helps you keep track of things that you may want to include in your work and allows you to formulate your creative ideas before actually delving into writing the first draft of your work.

Without this notebook, a chance encounter with something that can trigger creativity, like overhearing an interesting conversation or having someone you know say something very inspiring, will all go to waste if you cannot immortalize such things on paper.

Although a lot of computers these days are also pretty handy, writing ideas down on a journal for many people will still stimulate the creativity more. After all, unlike a computer, beside each note or entry that you make you can always freely jot down side comments or scribble some sketches that may perhaps enhance your ideas more.

A notebook will give you insurance that you won't forget such things that may give you insights about your issues of interest. After all, you never know when you might find inspiration for your stories, and having somewhere you can jot down ideas on hand will surely be convenient.

Favorite Pen

Because it is understandable that you are bound to do a lot of writing to accomplish a book, you might as well invest on a good pen that can make the process more enjoyable. Even when you would be using a computer for the actual writing, there would still be a lot of literal writing activity needed especially during the brainstorming process or when you are still just organizing your thoughts.

The best pen for you will ultimately still depend on your choice. Find a pen that you find comfortable and is durable. Take in mind such factors as its overall feel in your hand, how smooth it writes and how it reads on the type of paper that you most often use.

You might be surprised how much a pen can actually affect the flow of inspiration coming in as you write, and even whether or not you will find the whole process enjoyable.

A Computer With Internet Connection

Everything today has become so dependent on technology. And even though you do a lot of your brainstorming through old school tools like notebooks and pens, most of the time, going hi-tech can take you miles with writing.

You will find that saving and organizing files will become easier with the use of a computer. At the same time, an easy Internet access can come in handy in case you need to make some instant searches for some needed information especially when substantiating your work.

Communicating with other writers or exchanging data will also become easier through the Internet. After all, at some point in your writing process, you may want to ask for advice from other writers or may want to have your work proof read. In this way, you are not only able to receive information quicker, but send it much faster as well.

It also helps that for writers, a lot of available computer programs that serve as tools in writing, such as an electronic dictionary or spell-checking programs. Instead of having to go through huge books to get the assistance that you need, all it will take you now is just a click and so much time and effort can be saved. In short, a handy computer can be your all-in-one tool of the trade.

Among many things that a lot of writers may want to have beside them during the process of writing, the three items mentioned above are the modern generations best tools of trade to make the process a whole lot easier. These things do not only assist you in making work less stressful, but they also help you become more organized and even more creative.

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